CRC 5-56 PERMASTRAW 380ML - HSR002515

Stock Code:
$15.70 ex. GST



CRC 5-56 Multi-purpose is a versatile aerosol lubricant that penetrates, lubricates, and prevents corrosion. It's ideal for addressing rust, electrical issues, and general maintenance, and it is available in various sizes.


A modern, versatile helper for hundreds of repair jobs in all working environments. Suitable for diverse environments: workshops, garages, building sites, factories, offices, gardens, and homes.

  • Useful for electrical work, including plugs, switches, coils, and more

  • Great for automotive tasks: car ignition systems, distributors, battery terminals, cables, starter motors, aerials, nuts and bolts, chrome, seat slides, door latches, spark plugs

  • Handy for home maintenance, covering door locks, hinges, drills, and more

  • Ideal for leisure activities such as fishing gear, bicycles, garden tools, roller skates, ski fittings, golf trundlers 


  • New Permastraw technology designed for precision application

  • Designed to penetrate and loosen rust, corrosion, and other stubborn contaminants

  • Reduces friction and wear by acting as a lubricant for moving parts

  • Displaces moisture from electrical components

  • Provides a protective barrier against further corrosion